How to win the Talent Game sweat equity

"It is an Enterprise Problem"

I heard this statement at a conference and it helped me understand why some of us feel like we are hollering into an empty chasm. Those of us that see & feel the pain of not having enough people on the jobsite or worse, having enough people but the experience...

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How to Get Better, Faster field leadership sweat equity

When I was a kid I really thought all I had to do was be bigger, faster, and stronger to be a professional athlete. But now I know it takes way more than that. The most interesting thing they do is "study game film" and not just because they want to watch themselves, like I would, but to find...

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Its not just about Production field leadership sweat equity

There is a massive amount of energy focused on attracting people to the trades. This Labor shortage was obvious 30 years ago when I entered the trades. Over that time Ive seen wages nearly triple, CTE programs emerge, Non-profits developed, and the launching of fancy marketing campaigns. Ive...

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Unintended Consequences of the 1 Week Plan field leadership planning

Have you ever had an idea blow up in your face? 

Like you put in loads of effort, had great intentions then the thing turns into a weapon against the people you were trying to help. I hope not, but if you have you are not alone.

Thats exactly what happened when I started training my fellow...

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How Planning turned my JOB into a Career field leadership life lessons

The previous blog was about my Body of Work, and it left me thinking about how it all started. 

Do you every think back about how it all started? As in what are the pivotal moments in your life, the point where something or someone entered your space  and your path after, was directly...

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What is Your Body of Work? life lessons

Its been said that we overestimate what we can accomplish in one year and we severely underestimated what we can accomplish in a decade.

And to save you the time of testing the quote, Im here to tell you it is 100% true! The interesting thing is even though I completely embrace this idea, I am...

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The Edge of Responsibility values

Welcome back and if youre new here this entry is on the last of the 3 values I practice in business and in life. I want to be extra clear that embracing these 3 values have helped me establish a business that is performing a thousand times better than I expected and these values enable me to...

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Value #2: Be Generous values

So we talked about "Being on Time" on the last Blog Post. Based on the feedback, it came across like a curve ball. Which I think is super cool and wish I did that on purpose. Maybe its a sign that my mind is a little twisted. Either way I want to flesh out my thoughts on my 2nd value: Be Generous...

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Where are my values taking me? values

I gotta be honest with you, the 30 year old Jesse rolls his eyes every time I speak about Values and the current me rolls his eyes every time I read about a companies values. Mostly because Ive met their people and they do not demonstrate the bullet points that are on the website.

But Im just...

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Improving the work, Right Now sweat equity

"Its an actionable way to improve the work for the people DOING the work, RIGHT. NOW."

This was shared by one of the Micro SQI Learning Experience super awesome attendees. Which was exactly what I hoping to hear because I dont like wasting peoples time. I wanted to provide folks with a...

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Virtual SQI, Where did it come from sweat equity

Have you noticed that Ive been talking about this Virtual SQI thing I should probably let you know why and maybe a little about where it came from.


Well what had happened was.....    I launched my business about 20 months ago and Sweat Equity Improvement was what I wanted to be...

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Who is SQI for sweat equity

Several people have asked, "who should learn this stuff"? of course I say everyone But I recognize Im seeing that question through rose colored glasses. So in this blog Im gonna try my hand at answering the question.

First I want to start with what I see as the ideal state. Having served in...

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