Quick tips for turning Frustration into Productivity field leadership life lessons

Are you stuck in the rut of being a chronic complainer at work? Do you often find yourself pointing out the shortcomings and flaws in others without taking any actionable steps? You're not alone. It’s easy to fall into the trap of identifying what’s wrong rather than being part of the...

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What does Authenticity even mean? becoming the promise life lessons

Ever been given the advice "Just be Yourself"?

Me too, and I have said the same words to people to. But "Just Be Yourself" isnt very helpful all by itself so I want to take a deeper look at it. Just Be Yourself is the twin sister of Authenticity, which is just another word so lets explore this...

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How to Learn During Dark Times becoming the promise life lessons

I have been accused of being a positive person. Im not sure I agree or maybe I just dont understand what people mean when they say someone is positive. I worry that Ill be put in the same bucket as folks that are passive in their positivity.

What do I mean by this?

Heres an example, "Everything...

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How to get the most out of Loyalty becoming the promise gifts & talents life lessons

On the most recent NoBS with Jen & Jess Livestream a conversation around loyalty sprouted. Specifically around "owing" the organizations we work for. The Google says: Loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance. I can totally get behind this definition because it clearly states "a...

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How seemingly ridiculous Challenges bring growth and awareness. life lessons

Holidays are a time most people take a breather, spending time with family and friends. Historically I have used holidays as days to catch up and get ahead. But this past Holiday a weekend I gave myself permission to "sleep in" which means sleeping past 5am. And I succeeded I woke up around...

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What it takes to form Meaningful Connection life lessons

I used to chase promotions and raises and that was like running on a never ending hamster wheel. I was blinded by status and shiny things. The truth is that the status that comes with formal positions is fleeting in that the status only exists when I am physically present. Meaning that people are...

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How Planning turned my JOB into a Career field leadership life lessons

The previous blog was about my Body of Work, and it left me thinking about how it all started. 

Do you every think back about how it all started? As in what are the pivotal moments in your life, the point where something or someone entered your space  and your path after, was directly...

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What is Your Body of Work? life lessons

Its been said that we overestimate what we can accomplish in one year and we severely underestimated what we can accomplish in a decade.

And to save you the time of testing the quote, Im here to tell you it is 100% true! The interesting thing is even though I completely embrace this idea, I am...

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Help them See what you See becoming the promise gifts & talents life lessons

Story #20 is another tear jerker for me and maybe contains the lesson that is most impactful. The lesson is "tell people about the greatness you see in them" because we are all blind to our own greatness. You may get stuck on the word greatness, dont worry I did too. The way I reconcile this...

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Where did they get their strength from becoming the promise life lessons

Story 19 still pulls all kind of emotion out of me, my eyes teared up while I was preparing for this blog entry. If you dont believe me you can hear my voice crack in the Audio Book.

I think its because of the intensity in the experience I had way back then. I had a goal to run a sub 4...

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Designing a life of Fulfillment becoming the promise life lessons

Story #18 is about the unexpected impact we can have on people. And the strange rubber band-ish outcomes that impact brings. The lessons I learned were:

  • Getting past insecurities
  • restrictive conditions in our life
  • how making hard life decisions get you on the path to Becoming the...
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No Cuts becoming the promise life lessons

Story 17 is one of those lessons that stings every time I think about it. Before I get into it, I want to give you the lessons I got from this experience:

- Honoring and valuing ourselves signals to others how they should honor and value us

- Playing small is a form of self betrayal

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