What are you waiting for?
"I didnt know if this would be the last time, I really didnt know what to do or if I could stay sober" This is the thought in my head as I faced 2 to 10 years in prison. The lesson I took from this experience is one that transcends the extreme nature of a prison sentence. The lesson is about breaking through the confines of our mind.
Story #5 outlines the multiple arrests Ive had leading up to the final awakening. I was faced with loosing all my freedoms, comforts and conveniences. So I sat down and wrote a list of all the things I could do / learn while behind bars. The interesting thing about the list is I didnt have to be locked up to do any of that learning. That being said the controlled environment of prison would have filtered out the multitude of distractions we contend with on the daily.
I remember thinking "why did it take this huge event for me to sit down and evaluate how I will spend my time going forward?"
I wonder how many of us have "a list" that we havent moved on?
I wonder what is the pressure point that will drive us to action?
I wonder what would the world look like if we got off center and made a little daily progress on "our lists"?
I hear the song Live Like you Were Dying and think about our mortality. Cuz we are dying and we live as if we have an infinite amount of time to begin sharing our gifts and talents with the world. Always later or tomorrow, because I have these other not so fulfilling things to do. We have these self imposed expectations to fulfill becuase, well just because. All the while the clock is ticking.
For some of us its gonna take an illness, loss of a loved one, a layoff, being passed up on a promotion to realize there is more for us. To realize moving on the list is the freedom we have been missing. To realize we are already in a prison, and we are the architect of that prison.
I know how doomy and gloomy that sounds and its that damn real for me. I learned that the prison sentence I was facing wasnt as bad as the prison I had been living in. I included this story in the book because breaking free from my self imposed confinement put me on the path to Becoming the Promise I am Intended to Be.
And guess what, since then Ive discovered all kinds of creativity and built a whole bunch of new skills. One of which is becoming a super fancy "narrator". Thats right the Audio version of Becoming the Promise You are Intended to Be 👈 is out on Spotify and I got us some coupons for a free download.
Because you have been super supportive I decided to give you a head start on the Coupon challenge😎
Coupon Challenge details:
- post a picture of your honest Amazon review of the printed version of Becoming the Promise You are Intended to Be
- tag me in your post on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram
- LinkedIn: Jesus (Jesse) Hernandez
- Instagram: Learninsnmissteps
- Facebook: Jesus Hernandez
- Coupons will be awarded to the first 3 posts that hit the Omniverse on each platform, so total of 9 coupons
- Challenge ends July 21st
- One coupon per winner
Be cool and we'll talk at you next time😎 PEACE!!!